
Osteoarthritis and Ayruveda

Osteo Arthritis Treatment with Ayurveda

Oteoarthritis is a degenerative disease of the joints which usually occurs with old age. The joints have a cartilagenous part and a synovial membrane filled with synovial fluid. This synovial fluid is a thick substance which lubricates the joints and facilitates movement. It also prevents the cartilages from wearing off, hence maintaining the integrity of the joint. In osteoarthritis, there is a thinning and drying up of the synovial fluid and degeneration of the synovial membrane. This leads to friction between the cartilages and their degeneration. This degenerative process is progressive and results in permanent bone deformity and pain. Mostly the weight bearing joints are affected especially the knee, hip etc and sometimes the feet, hand and spine are also affected. Any previous injury to the joint and overweight are some of the predisposing factors of osteoarthritis.
  • Pain which worsens on exertion.
  • Swelling of the joints
  • Cracking sound in the joints on movement.
  • Restricted  movement in the affected joint.
  • Spasm of the surrounding muscles.
  • Fluid accumulation in the joint.
Osteoarthritis- modern management
The main stay of treatment in case of osteoarthritis is pain management. It is achieved by painkillers and injecting steroids into the affected joint which gives short term relief from pain. In more severe and chronic cases, total joint replacement is resorted to.
Osteoarthritis In Ayurveda:
This condition is very clearly explained in Ayurveda as Sandhigata Vata. The vata (one of the thre bioregulating principles of the body) aggravated by various reasons like improper diet, over exertion, injury, exposure to cold, suppression of natural urges, staying awake at night, old age etc, affects the joints, dries up the lubricating synovial fluid, degenerates the joints and causes the disease.
So the main stay of treatment is pacification of Vata and nourishment of the joints. Panchakarma treatment especially Vasti is very effective for Vata related disorders. Other external treatments like massage, Elakizhi, Januvasti, Sarvanga Dhara are very effective in retarding the degenerative process. These treatments when complimented with good food habits, internal medicines like guggulu preparations, kashayams etc, and small modifications in lifestyle, the outcome is excellent with remarkable improvement in pain and enhancement of the health of the joints, that too without any side effects.
The digestive fire plays an important role in pathogenesis of any disease. Similarly, even in this condition, one has to rectify the digestion and bowel movement before expecting and change in the disease condition. The digestion should be regulated with light foods which are not too oily, easily digestible and should not aggravate Vata. Mostly dals, tubers like potato etc aggravates Vata and hence should be strictly avoided. The quantity of food should also be appropriate and one must eat only after feeling hunger. Day sleep has to be strictly avoided, so is bath in cold water and exposure to cold wind. One should ensure good sleep at night. Any disturbance in the bowel has to be rectified at the earliest. Constipation increases Vata in the body which in turn causes pain in the affected joint.
One can add moderate amount of ghee in the food which increases the digestion and facilitates pacification of Vata. One should not consume the food which is refrigerated and cold since it increases the heavy nature of the food and hampers the digestive fire. One must always consume food which is freshly prepared, not too hot, pleasing to the mind and body, consisting more of vegetables, fresh fruits, green leaves and pulses. Meat soup nourishes the tissues and joints, but it should be avoided by people who are obese.
Finally weight management is an important factor in management of this disease. More the weight, it causes stress on already stressed out joint and further degenerates it. But to much of strain in form of exercise also is harmful. A balanced treatment comprising of external therapies, internal medications, diet and lifestyle regulation gives excellent result in the management of this condition.

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